Aged 16 -21, with the possibility of continued support until the age of 25.

Any gender identities.

A CPA report and recent risk assessment.

Service User is prepared to engage with support services provided.

Service User’s current ADL (Assessment of Independent Living Skills) identifies a degree of independence.

Commitment to address support needs e.g. mental health, drugs/alcohol, gambling, anger management, education and leisure activities.


Referrals are welcome from NHS mental health case managers and provider trusts, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), community mental health teams, secure hospitals, rehabilitation and recovery inpatient services, as well as social services.

Step 1 - Referral

Fill out the referral form provided below, and we will initiate contact within 24 hours. Upon receiving the referral, we will conduct a pre-admission risk assessment.

Step 2 - INA

An assessment will be scheduled, encompassing the service user’s education, occupation, emotional and social aspects, practical considerations, physical goals, and the identification of their needs, risks, and challenges to optimize positive outcomes.

Step 3 - Introduction

The service user, along with their family and care manager, visits our facilities to meet their care team, key worker, and personally experience our services.

Step 4 - Funding

Funding details and formulation of assessment, which includes the care plan.

Step 5 - Admission

The admission date is confirmed, and transition plans are coordinated with the referral team upon acceptance for placement to facilitate a seamless transition.